Studio Confortável


Categoria Residencial


A premissa foi compacta e confortável para casal sem filhos. O projeto com arquitetura contemporânea consiste numa Suíte com Closet, Sala, Cozinha, Lavanderia integradas à Varanda Gourmet com Lavabo. Optamos pelo Sistema Construtivo Racional, materiais recicláveis, pergolado com vidro e bambú, aberturas em L que aproveitam a luz e ventilação natural integrando o Studio aos jardins externos que inclusive “camuflam” o Depósito onde ficam as pranchas de Surf. “Sensacional” disseram o casal.

Studio Comfortable

The premise was compact and comfortable for a couple without children. The project with contemporary architecture consists of a Suite with Closet, Living Room, Kitchen, Laundry integrated to the Gourmet Balcony with Toilet. We opted for the Rational Building System, recyclable materials, pergola with glass and bamboo, L-shaped openings that take advantage of natural light and ventilation, integrating the Studio with the external gardens that even “camouflage” the Deposit where the Surfboards are kept. “Sensational” said the couple.

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