Regularização com Requinte

O casal nos contratou para Regularizar a Obra junto à Prefeitura para evitar o embargo da obra, mas fomos além! Nossa proposta teve intervenções mínimas que modernizaram a fachada com revestimento diferenciado, pergolado com vidro sobre a garagem para melhorar o conforto ambiental com luz e ventilação natural. O novo layout integrou a Cozinha com as Salas, cujo resultado impressionou toda família!

Regularization With Refinement

The couple hired us to Regularize the Work with the City Hall to avoid the embargo of the work, but we went further! Our proposal had minimal interventions that modernized the facade with a different coating, pergola with glass over the garage to improve environmental comfort with natural light and ventilation. The new layout integrated the Kitchen with the Rooms, the result of which impressed the whole family!


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